
Pittsburgh-based M*Modal' received the ABBY Award from the Adaptive Business Leaders Organization

Cool award for an innovator in the Speech Understanding business

"The Healthcare CEO judges in the audience confirmed that M*Modal was the most transformational new healthcare IT they'd seen this year - following a search that spanned the country," noted ABL's President, Mimi Grant, following the Awards ceremony. "The company's technology understands the context of "words" recorded in dictation, captures their medical "meaning" and transfers it automatically into accessible, electronic medical records. This is nothing short of amazing." Grant added: "And what's particularly impressive is that Michael Finke, the founder and CEO of M*Modal, has a technology background, proving once again that the biggest breakthroughs to healthcare's toughest problems frequently come from innovators outside the industry." The awards ceremony was held in Costa Mesa, CA on April 23.

Speech is the rising star


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