
Motley Fools - 3 Reasons to Sell Nuance

The Motely Fool discussion board weigh in on reasons to sell Nuance stock if you own it.

No Profits, Costly Acquisitions and lack of focus.....
$0.01-to-$0.02-per-share loss......trading future opportunity with dilution to its current shareholders.....its numerous acquisitions has also eaten into margins.....to reduce 2009 earnings by $0.05 to $0.06 per share.....spread over too many highly competitive markets..
And there remains the pending litigation with Vianix that is embedded in the iChart application that according to their numbers has more than 4,000 Hospitals and more than 250,000 individual users. With the passage of time and no news on resolution it is likely that the license contract will be canceled by Vianix leaving their product unusable. This feels similar to recent problems by Blackberyy RIM and Vonage who fell foul when they used technology without paying for it.

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